• Next Club Meeting

    Tuesday,  January 21st at 7:00PM El Dorado County Sheriff's Office200 Industrial DrivePlacerville, CA 95667

  • Amateur Radio Testing

    Next Session March 8th, 2025 9:00AM American Legion Post 119 4561 Greenstone Rd. Placerville, CA 95667 Fees $14 Contact Ken, W6KWV 530-642-9523 https://hamstudy.org/sessions  Search for EDCARC IN-PERSON TEAM

We held, our third annual Big Hill SOTA and POTA event on August 20th.  There were 18 participants that made the trek up to the top of Big Hill.  While the temps were over 100 degrees in the Sacramento Valley the top of Big Hill was at a comfortable 80 degrees.   The views were great as always.   Most of the participants were able to make their allotment of contacts to get credit for their activations.  We had all modes covered from the top of the hill, phone, CW, and digital. Best DX worked was Japan and France.  Our SOTA hill was WS/NS-290 Big Hill and the POTA designator was K-4455 for El Dorado National Forest.  It was a great day on the Hill.

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