• Next Club Meeting

    Tuesday,  January 21st at 7:00PM El Dorado County Sheriff's Office200 Industrial DrivePlacerville, CA 95667

  • Amateur Radio Testing

    Next Session March 8th, 2025 9:00AM American Legion Post 119 4561 Greenstone Rd. Placerville, CA 95667 Fees $14 Contact Ken, W6KWV 530-642-9523 https://hamstudy.org/sessions  Search for EDCARC IN-PERSON TEAM

Hope everyone enjoyed the April meeting.  The weather was nice for a change and no raincoats or snow shovels required.  We had a short discussion of club business and welcomed our new member Jim, KM6TLY to the club.  Roger, W6WHU asked for assistance with finding a new Field Day site because the current site will be unavailable and the past site may still be covered in snow.  If anyone has a good idea for a location please contact Roger.

Our show and tell started off with Justin, KB2ZVD showing his new antenna launcher.   He can pressurize it to 120psi to launch a landscaping throw bag a few hundred feet. He says it has a loud boom when fired.










Bob, W1RH brought a mystery object to show.  He passed it around the room to see if anyone could identify it.










He revealed that it was a mechanical reed a method of generating the original PL tones for repeaters.  One reed was required for both encode and decode and for each tone.

Bob, also gave the main presentation for the meeting.  He gave us a virtual tour of the VOA Museum in Ohio.  The exhibits included amplifiers and their tubes, original station control equipment and replicas of station antennas. There was also a section with vintage receivers and transmitters.  The museum is not far from the annual Hamvention and is worth a visit.
