The May club meeting had an excellent turnout despite the rain showers in the area. The main topic of discussion was information about Field Day on June 22 and 23. More information about Field Day will be available on the website soon and updates will be sent via email and passed over the 2m club net on Tuesdays. After the Field Day discussion and a few show and tell items were shared, we enjoyed cookies and root-beer floats and got to socialize before the raffle and going home.
Great turn out for the Thursday meeting and Dave, W6TQ giving us all the Field day Info.
Bob, W1RH shared some pictures and stories from the 2019 Hamvention in Ohio.
Jordan, WC6J showed off his SOTA endfed antenna with 9:1 UnUn
Steffan, AF6SA has been busy working on his home brew solid state HF amplifier and QRP SDR project kit.
Fred, KB5SIR brougt his home brew 220MHz Yagi.