• Next Club Meeting

    Tuesday,  January 21st at 7:00PM El Dorado County Sheriff's Office200 Industrial DrivePlacerville, CA 95667

  • Amateur Radio Testing

    Next Session March 8th, 2025 9:00AM American Legion Post 119 4561 Greenstone Rd. Placerville, CA 95667 Fees $14 Contact Ken, W6KWV 530-642-9523 https://hamstudy.org/sessions  Search for EDCARC IN-PERSON TEAM

The September meeting had a full turnout and we welcomed two new members Tony W6QA and Larry K6HMP.  The first presentation was from Mike, KD6TMZ.  He showed a video and described his work for NASA at the research wind tunnels located at Moffett Field, CA.   Jordan, WC6J brought in a radiosonde that he found on one of his hikes. 

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Bob, W1RH showed off a GMRS repeater he configured for use in the local Fire Safe Council districts.  He also talked about FT8 and station automation.   Bob demonstrated FT8 by connecting to his station remotely and working a few contacts. 

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