We'll have a cash bar tended by the Lions Club and a delicious Italian themed dinner catered by John Sanders from Old Town Grill.
The cost will be about $27 per person including tax.
If you plan to attend, please fill out the following form.
Wonderful evening for our August club meeting. We had some new visitors and a few of them applied for membership. After we got through the club business, we started off with an HF contact with our club president Jeremy W6TKD who was traveling through Wyoming. We used Bob's W1RH station remotely to make a contact with W6TKD on 20m phone. Bob also gave us an update on the 2m voting receiver work.
Jim, AF6FO talked about his 5 band transverter installation and how it interfaces with his Flex transceiver.
Simon K6DXN, showed us how he navigates around his handheld radio being visually impaired.
Some club activity dates were also shared.
- September 14th @ 10:00am we will have our annual SOTA/POTA gathering on Big Hill in the El Dorado National Forrest
- The club meeting on Septeber 17th will be a dinner gathering at the Lion's club. Cost will be arround $25.
At the July meeting we welcomed some new members and visitors to the meeting. Mike, N7MSS gave a report on the latest ARES activities including the callout for a local fire, participation at Hot RF Nights, and feedback from the Marshal Hospiital exercise. Jay, KE6GLA is looking for net controls for the Tuesday 2m net at 7:30pm and JR, K6LBP is looking for net controls starting in August for the 220MHz "Use It or Lose It" net. The club also aggred to having a September Holiday Dinner details TBD.
The Program for the meeting was Basic Fox Hunting Skills. Bob, W1RH and Jay, KE6GLA presented the information to the attendees.
Busy Ham Radio month for the club and the meeting was busy too. A few new members and a few visitors to the club meeting this month. Our speaker for the meeting was Ed Fong WB6IQN. Inventor of the Ed Fong J-Pole antennas. He described the theory behind the J-pole antenna and why he prefers them over some of the commercial designs. Here is the link to Ed's website Ed Fong Antennas .