El Dorado County ARC will be participating in Field Day this year on June 22 - 23 from the QTH of W6QA. Everyone is invited to participate in this event, even if you don't have your license yet. Here is a link to more information about Field Day ARRL Field Day PDF .
Our schedule
- Friday June 21 - Station setup @ 3:00pm
- Saturday June 22 @ 9:00am continue setup
- Saturday June 22 @ 11:00 Field Day Operations until activity slows down
- Sunday June 23 @ 11:00 End Operations
- Sunday June 23 @ 11:01 Cleanup usually finished at 2:00pm
The location - Windmiller Farms, 2453 Carson Road, Placerville, CA 95667
For more information contact W6WHU Roger Newman .
It was a busy meeting in May. We had some attendees apply for club membership, some new visitors and even a Zoom attendee from Australia. We got some general information about upcoming events including our booth at the El County Fair, an ARES hospital exercise and Field Day at the end of June.
Dorris, K0BEE informed us about an upcoming event that requires Ham Radio support. The Tevis Cup 100-mile trail ride in July requires many volunteers including Ham Radio operators. If you're interested in volunteering here is the link Tevis Cup Volunteering.
Our main speaker for the evening was Steve, W1SRD. Steve shared his experiences as a member of the 2024 TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition. Many of our club members were able to make contacts with the TX5S effort. Here is more information about the TX5S DXpedition https://clip.pdxg.net/ .
We had a full house for our April 2024 meeting. We had a few new visitors and introduced Bob, KO6CVL as a new member.
JR, K6LBP presented a radio to Brian KK6IZI our raffle winner for the 220 Use It Or Lose It net.
Merlin Scott shared some stories about the beginnings of El Dorado County SAR and history of the Rubicon Trail.
At our March meeting we had a good-looking crowd in attendance. There were some new faces and few faces that we haven't seen for a while.
Jeremy W6TKD, talked about his Ham Clock and donated one for the club raffle.
Jordan WC6J showed us a Quangsheng UV-K5. A cheep dual-band handheld with lots of possibilities through firmware updates.
Roger W6WHU, talked about he has been working the world with 100 watts and a wire and using online software defined radios to help him work the new ones.
Finally, Jim AF6FO, showed us his home solar project and how it has reduced his PG&E bill. We also saw a few pictures of his shack.