• Next Club Meeting

    Tuesday, November 19th at 7:00PM El Dorado County Sheriff's Office200 Industrial DrivePlacerville, CA 95667

  • Amateur Radio Testing

    Next Session January 11th, 2025 9:00AM American Legion Post 119 4561 Greenstone Rd. Placerville, CA 95667 Fees $14 Contact Ken, W6KWV 530-642-9523 https://hamstudy.org/sessions  Search for EDCARC IN-PERSON TEAM

We had a good turnout in person and on Zoom for the April 2022 Meeting.   We discussed up-coming elections for the radio club.  We also took a poll of those interested in having our holiday dinner on Friday June 24th, the evening before Field Day.  The poll showed good support for the proposal.   We had two speakers for the evening Jordan WC6J who showed his work to restore a 1980's Fluke multimeter and Todd Crawford, who educated us on what frequencies we should me monitoring in El Dorado County.  We ended the meeting with a few people being luck enough to walk away with some raffle prizes. 

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