The last meeting of the year had a great turnout. We shared in some tasty treats provided buy our club members and had some fun. Jay the outgoing 2023 club president turned over the leadership role to Jeremy W6TKD for 2024. I look forward to seeing all of you in 2024.
The tasty treats.
The group is all here.
Doris, K0BEE presented a short film she made of the 2023 K6T, CQP effort in Tehama County.
Bob, W1RH showed the work and progress made on the Cool, GMRS repeater.
We had a special event at our November meeting. Several of our ARES members were sworn in as El Dorado County Animal Services Volunteers.
Michael K6MLE, showed off his GPS Clock project to be used in the new ARES vehicle.
Roger W6WHU, gave us an update on the special event station to be held on January 27 and 28.
The "220 Use It Or Loose It Net" celebrated its first anniversary with a lunch at the Break Room in Shingle Springs on November 11th. There was a great turn out and lots of stories were shared. It was also great to meet some of the net regulars in person. The "220 Use It Or Loose It Net" meets on Monday nights at 8:00pm on the AG6AU 220 repeater 224.060 (-) pl 127.3. Please come join us for one of the nets.
At our October meeting, Paul Duer from El Dorado County SAR gave us an overview of the SAR program. Paul listed different way club members can become involved with the SAR program. Paul also told some good rescue stories.
Jay KE6GLA and Bob W1RH show some pictures from their CQP activities and talked about their experiences.
Jordan WC6J shared pictures and stories from his lates SOTA activity in Northern California.
Mike N7MSS updated the club about the latest ARES actions.