One of our club memebers Michael Warzecha, WA6RZ will be activating the special event station N6T for the Golden State Star Party (GSSP).
The event will take place between June 29th and July 3rd at the Frosty Acres Farm in Modoc County, grid CN91md (a rare grid). Michael will be working 40m through 6m during daylight and looking at the stars during the night. He will set up scheduled contacts and his contact emai is . More infomation to soon.
Information on GSSP:
QRZ QRZ link to N6T
The March meeting featured Allen, W6WN presenting about communication issues during the Camp Fire and the recovery that has taken place. A great presentation that has started several conversations about alternate communication tools.
Dave, K6TQ also warned us about possibly needing a plan B location for Field Day
The board also approved four new membership applications. The meeting was well attended, and some lucky attendees went home with some raffle prizes.
At the February meeting our featured speaker was Steve Dyer, W1SRD who was a 2018 Ducie Island DX Expedition team member. Steve showed many pictures of the operation and explanied the difficulties involved. He also showed us some examples of bad DX pileup operating. There were quite a few questions and everone enjoyed the lecture. Steve said he is ready for the next DX Expedition.
Jordan, W6CJ showed off his dummy load project (sorry the picutre did not come out)
Phill, KK6YYD showed of his personal shelter used for SOTA operations when the weather gets bad
Colton, WD6CWM showed us his new portable antenna from MFJ that needed a few adjustmets.
The El Dorado County ARC helped the Marshal Gold Discovery State Park celebrate the 171th anniversary of the discovery of gold in California. The club operated in the ARES trailer in the parking lot next to Sutter’s Saw Mill both Saturday and Sunday. We got the station on the air shortly after 9:00am on Saturday and worked pileups almost the entire weekend. We worked mostly on 40m and 20m phone and the band conditions weren’t too bad. We logged 657 contacts for the event and approximately 173 Winter Field Day contacts. Saturday was the actual anniversary of the gold discovery and the park had many visitors. Many of the visitors stopped by to see our operation and were interested in Ham Radio. Sunday was little quieter, but we still had several visitors stop by. The weather was perfect the entire weekend.
Roger and Dave W6TQ working the pileup.
Jordan, WC6J and Roger woking the stations
A couple of picutres of our 70 foot mast and rotatable dipole.