We are saddened to report the passing of Phil Mosbacher KK6YYD. Phil became a SK on June 11. Phil was an active member and board representative for the El Dorado County ARC. Phil participated in the SOTA program and was avid outdoorsman. He will be missed in the local and amateur radio community.
ARRL Field Day is Saturday, June 26th at 11am to Sunday, June 27th 11am. Eveyone is welcome to vist our club Field Day site. If you would like learn something about Amatuer Radio, this is the event to be at.
Tony, W6QA has graciously offered to host the AG6AU stations from his home QTH. His address is 2453 Carson Road
Placerville, CA and is called Windmiller Farms (look for the windmill) Its located on Carson road between Abel's Apple Acres and Goldbud Farm. Parking will be in front of the barn at the front of property.
More Field Day information http://www.arrl.org/field-day
For club members the sign-up sheet for station operations is located on the groups.io site
We were very fortunate to have a donation of some really good "stuff", from Craig, WB6LZV. We're selling these items as somewhat of an auction. All proceeds go into the Club treasury (and you all know that you will be making our Treasurer, Nancy, a very happy camper). The more money in our treasury, the more fun we have as a club!
We had 20 participants for the Antenna Shootout and ran 41 tests consisting of mobiles, handhelds and portables. The weather was great and Tony, W6QA provided the club an excelent tesing location. Bob W1RH and Karen on the measurement side of the test did an excelent job. It was good to see some club members and prospective club members in person. More infomation will be presented at the April club meeting.
Raw data from antenna test. Raw Antenna Test Measurements
Final measurement data Excel or PDF