We are sad to announce that Frank Sharit, W6DHN became a Silent Key on October 25th. Frank and his wife Kathy have been long time members of the radio club. Frank served many roles in the radio club over the years. He was also was a very active as a NTS and Navy MARS station. Frank was volunteer fireman with the Georgetown Fire Department. He also retired from the Navy as a Master Chief Hospital Corpsman after 30 years of service.
Sunday, November 1st, 2020 Noon to 3'ish
- Highway 50 East from Placerville for ~21 miles to Ice House Road.
- North on Ice House Road for 9.9 miles to Big Hill Road
- West on Big Hill Road 2.4 miles to Big Hill Lookout
Chris Kepus, W7JPG Our club Vice President and fellow Ham became a Silent Key on October 3rd, 2020 due to complications from cancer treatment.
Chris, was an active member of the El Dorado County Radio Club and as Vice President started our mentor program.
Chris was first licensed in Michigan, in 1955.
We had a small Fox Hunt at the El Dorado Hills Community Park on October 11 with 12 attendees. I hid the small 15mw transmitter in some brush along a creek bank in the middle of the park. Most everyone found the fox within an hour. Everyone got to test thier eqipment and check out eveyone elses equipment. Stay tuned for the date and time of the next fox hunt.