We had a big turnout for our last meeting of the year and PG&E even kept the lights on for us. During the meeting the club elected its leadership team for the 2020 year.
President - Bob Hess W1RH
Vice President - Chris Kepus W7JPG
Secretary - Susan Keale KM6NFP
Treasurer - Nancy Harmor KG6PNP
Board Members
Jay Harmor KE6GLA
Dave Sanders K6TQ
Jordan Heichman WC6J
Phil Mosbacher KK6YYD
Sue Mosbacher KM6ILP
Michael Picco K6MLE
Justin Tabatchnick KB2ZVD
Tony, KM6LNP showed off a home made field strength meter and Bob, W1RH demonstrated a tool for transmitter hunting.
Jordan,WC6J gave a presentation about his homemade electric bike. Bob, W1RH showed some pictures from the new World Trade Center commercial transmitter site.
This October the EDCARC help support the Kids Expo at Garden Valley Park. We brought the ARES trailer and put a HF antenna 70ft in the air. Don, KG6YST, Rudy KN6AFD, Dave K6TQ and Jay KE6GLA manned the booth and shared information about the Ham Radio hobby. We also worked several stations for the Pennsylvania QSO pary and a few SOTA stations. We Also managed a few rag-chews on 40m. The weather was great and the kids were having a blast in the park.
The September meeting had a full turnout and we welcomed two new members Tony W6QA and Larry K6HMP. The first presentation was from Mike, KD6TMZ. He showed a video and described his work for NASA at the research wind tunnels located at Moffett Field, CA. Jordan, WC6J brought in a radiosonde that he found on one of his hikes.
Bob, W1RH showed off a GMRS repeater he configured for use in the local Fire Safe Council districts. He also talked about FT8 and station automation. Bob demonstrated FT8 by connecting to his station remotely and working a few contacts.
The club held another SOTA and POTA event on Big Hill on September 21, 2019. The weather was excellent and the radio conditions wern't too bad either.
A few of the attendes got a tour of the fire lookout which provided for a great view.
Phill, KK6YYD worked 2M on Big Hill then made a quick trip to Rob's Hill for another SOTA activation.
Nancy, KG6PNP made 13 QSO's for her Big Hill SOTA activation.
Jordan, WC6J worked 30m CW and 2M FM to activate Big Hill and made a few summit to summit QSO's
The group had a great time and enjoyed the event.
We were lucky with the weather, if we waited another week we would have needed a jacket.